Welcome to Monthly Mentor Program with Connie Ragen Green
I’m So Glad You’re Here!
This is Your Training and Bonuses Page
Details Are Forthcoming… In the Meantime, Email Me Directly at ConnieGreenHouse@yahoo.com.
If you are not in the United States there may be a local number at:
You will be invited to webinars related to this ongoing training. I do NOT use the audio from GoTo Webinar. Instead, I use a service called Instant Teleseminar for superior audio and immediate replay availability. This means that each session has the same number to call in live, but a different link if you want to listen through the webcast in a second browser window. I will remind you of this when the time comes.
Access Your Training and Bonuses Here
To Become an Affiliate for this and other courses…
Go to Affiliate Links and Tools for Connie’s Affiliate Program.
To Your Success!
Connie Ragen Green