Attention: Marketers, Coaches, Authors, Speakers, and Entrepreneurs…
“Do You Need Help Putting All of the Pieces Together For Your Online Business?”
Having a Mentor to Guide You Makes All the Difference… I Want to Be That Mentor for You As You Build and Grow a Profitable Online Business From Home
NOTE: I’ve rolled back the investment to only $99/month until I reach 50 members who will be the Charter Members for this Monthly Mentor Program!
My name is Connie Ragen Green and I know exactly how you feel. I came online in 2005 and just couldn’t put it all together. I spent so much money and didn’t make a dime. I said that if I ever had success online, I would help others to do the same. The result is this Monthly Mentor Program, where I’m working with a small group of new and newer online entrepreneurs in a friendly, safe, and satisfying virtual space.
Introducing: Monthly Mentor Program… The Virtual Program Where Your Business Will Not Only Get Off the Ground, But Grow Exponentially in a Way That Makes Sense for the Lifestyle and Income Goals You Have in Mind.
New Bonuses! We Now Have a Monthly Strategizing Session to Look Closely at Where You Are Right Now and What You Need to Move Forward. This is an Excellent Way to Further Connect with Me and Your Fellow Mentees, and to Learn How to More Easily Monetize Your Business!
This is in Addition to Our Three Mentee Training Calls Each Month!
In March of 2024, I Added Monthly “Office Hours” Where Mentees May Call in With Questions, to Connect With Others, and to Build Valuable Relationships!
You have questions. I have answers, based on my more than 18 years of working exclusively online. I started out as someone who had hopes and dreams of replacing my income (I was a full-time classroom teacher and a part-time real estate broker and residential appraiser) by starting a home-based business I could run from my computer.
*** Perhaps My New “Insiders Mentoring” Program is a Better Fit for Your Time and Income Goals Right Now. Take a Look at What is Included and Then Decide ***
I did achieve this goal, about 18 months later. It look me that long because I was not a writer or marketer and I lacked guidance with what I was doing. I still met my income goals, and when I did I vowed to dedicate my time to helping others to do the same. These are just some of what we’ll work on together in this effective mentoring program:
Choosing a Niche That Matches Your Knowledge and Experience with Your Passions and Interests
How to Get Started with Blogging, Article Marketing, and Social Media
The 3 Mistakes to Avoid If You Want to Be Successful with Marketing on the Internet
Why You Must Have Someone to Learn From – A Mentor Who Can Hold You by the Hand Every Step of the Way… (I’m hoping that will be me when we start working together!)
How to Go from Part-Time to Full-Time in the Next 12 Months, So You Can Enjoy the Time and Financial Freedom You Have Always Wanted and Most Definitely Deserve
What If You Came Aboard for My Monthly Mentor Program Today, and Experienced Some Results Within the First 30 Days? Imagine Telling a Friend or Family Member What You’ve Been Working On and Having Them Congratulate You With a Hug or a High Five!
While I cannot guarantee financial results, I will tell you that you will be moved to take action in a way that will give you something significant to show to others, a content marketing plan that is effective and appealing, and something for sale online that could lead to passive and residual income.
Who Is This Program For?
If you have a fire burning inside of you to be an online entrepreneur, marketer, or author… in any niche and sub-niche you can imagine, and are willing to do the work consistently, this is for you. If you are ready to be mentored to success by someone who has walked this path for almost 19 years, and open to connecting with a small group of like-minded people who have similar goals, you are an excellent fit for this mentoring.
Themes for 2025!
2025 Special Bonuses! – Creating Simple Information Products that I’ll promote, along with others who will be your affiliates! Also, I’ll be interviewing each mentee privately in a 15-minute audio interview for a “Spotlight on Entrepreneurship” series. You will have access to both the mp3 and WAVE file for this interview to use as you please to grow your online business!
List Building through a variety of proven strategies and methods I’ve used for over a decade, and all accomplished with no paid advertising!
Affiliate Marketing (Recommending what you love in return for commission)
Information Products and how to create an endless stream of digital inventory
Public Speaking as a way to increase your credibility, visibility, and profitability… and you can achieve this from your home office!
Connecting with Strategic Alliance Partners to create profitable Joint Ventures
Creating Your Professional Content Plan through the end of 2024 and going forward into 2025 (Includes my knowledge and experience with AI (artificial intelligence) that will make you more creative and save your precious time, as well as with private label (PLR) rights content that you can easily make your own)
Leveraging Social Media, Copywriting (Sales Pages, Emails, Social Updates, and More)
Writing and Self-Publishing Your Own Full-Length, Non-Fiction Book, using the model I have simplified and perfected for my more than 25 titles (
We meet virtually as a group three times each month. This is so you may get all of your questions answered, connect with the other mentees, and have me show you exactly what’s working in my own business right now. I also invite the people in my Incubator Mastermind to attend, and their goal is to share their experiences with the mentees and to connect with others for possible collaborations and/or JV (Joint Venture) projects in the near future. Yes, I have lofty goals for you. But doesn’t that make more sense than for me to share my expertise in so many areas in a way that limits your success, insults your intelligence, and keeps you right where you are today, instead of teaching you at a level above where you are so you may stretch and grow more quickly?
Also, as I create more products and courses, you’ll be invited to create a simple Bonus that I will include. This means that people will opt in to your list in order to receive what you have created! This alone is a benefit of being a part of this mentoring program.
Having a Mentor to Guide You Makes All the Difference… That’s Why I Continue to Be Mentored All These Years Later. Mentoring Works Well, Especially With the Right Person for YOU and Your Goals!
What’s In It For You?
Why Should You Come Aboard to Work Closely in This Small Group Setting?
Everyone was new at some point. For me, that was the spring of 2005. I so wanted to have a better life, one in which I would have more free time and disposable income to live life in a way that I could only dream about at that time.
Bonuses: Every 90 days I will give you one of my products or courses valued at least at $99, or you may bank your credits for six months to come into one of my more expensive trainings or programs for entrepreneurs, authors, and marketers.
Also, as a Monthly Mentor Program member in good standing, you may come aboard for my Fall or Spring Jump Start Intensive Programs, and/or my 12 Week Author Program at a 75% Discount.
We meet live three or four times each month, and all sessions are recorded. You’ll also have ongoing, daily email access to me so we may get to know one another in a way that will allow you to shine, grow, and prosper in a joyous and profitable way.
Also, every dollar you invest in this program can be used to receive a discount if you choose to come aboard into my Strategic Alliance Mentoring: Partnership for Perfected Ascension mentoring during the next 12 months, where I work with no more than 12 people each year.
Your Success is My Reward! I Only Work With a Limited Number of Mentees at Any Given Time, and This is So That I May Give You the Time and Attention You Need and Deserve to Achieve All of Your Online Business Goals. I Continue to Add So Much to This Program Because I Love Helping Newer People Achieve Their Online Goals.
Signing Bonus: Come Aboard By February 28th and I’ll Gift You a “Signing Bonus” that will be in alignment with your goals. That’s right, you and I will determine what that Special Bonus will be and I will help you to decide, based on where you are right now.
Please Note: I have a “no revolving door” policy, meaning that if you come aboard and then drop out, you may not return to this program. Instead, I will be happy to recommend others who may be a better fit for the mentoring you want and need.
P.S. This is the second time I’ve offered a Monthly Mentor Program. The first time was during 2008 through 2012 and the rate of success from my students was phenomenal. In fact, I can almost guarantee that you’re on the list and buying from several of them right now. And half a dozen of those people now earn more than I do and I am very proud of that. Will you be next? Let’s work together and make things happen that will be life-changing for you!
P.P.S. My work with several non-profit organizations over almost two decades now has given my life more joy and purpose. When you come aboard, I will be donating a portion of your tuition to three of the groups I believe in. I’ll share more about this during the mentoring sessions, and I want you to know I appreciate you being a part of something much bigger that will benefit people living all over the world!
To Your Great Success,
“Thank you for sharing my website, Connie. It feels scary to know others will look at it until I remind myself, “That’s the point”. I’m thankful to you that the ice is broken and I can concentrate on producing content now instead of fretting about who will see it. I welcome any feedback on the site, content, or anything.” ~ Kim Nelson
“What I thought was so difficult and confusing is now simply a part of what I work on and create during the three hours a day I’m online. Connie continues to give me the confidence to build my online business in a way that makes sense for my goals and interests, and I’ve started making money!” ~ Corey Mitchell
“Thanks so much, Connie, I am really loving this program!” ~ Kimberly Love
“I’m so glad I found you and this mentoring when I did.” ~ Alex Cornelius
“I thought this would all be too difficult and time-consuming for my busy schedule. And I’m shy and prefer to keep to myself. But Connie has shown me how to navigate through my challenges and I’m starting to see results with my blog, building a list, and making my first affiliate sales.” ~ Janice Gallagher
“When I started with this program, I knew less than nothing. Now, three short months later and I have a website/blog, information product, and connections with at least a dozen people I’m an affiliate for with their products. I’m lovin’ this mentoring!” ~ Daniel Lucas
“Connie, thank you for being my rock and trusted online mentor. I’m making progress every month and it is all thanks to you helping me.” ~ Marvin Peoples